Hymn: A little while
“A little while,” our Lord shall come,And we shall wander here no more;He’ll take us to our Father’s home,Where He for us has gone before. ̶... Read more.
Hymn: In thy name, O Lord, assembling
In thy name, O Lord, assembling,We, thy people, now draw near:Teach us to rejoice with trembling;Speak, and let thy servant hear,Hear with meekness,Hear thy wor... Read more.
Hymn: We’ll sing of Christ
We’ll sing of Christ, no matter who Should disapprove the theme:When He is precious in our view, We can’t but sing of Him. And He is precious in the sig... Read more.
Hymn: All that I was, my sin, my guilt
All that I was, my sin, my guilt, My death, was all my own:All that I am I owe to thee, My gracious God alone. The evil of my former state Was mine, and only mi... Read more.
Hymn: Away with our sorrow and fear
Away with our sorrow and fear! We soon shall have entered our home;The city of saints shall appear, The day of eternity come.From earth we shall quickly remove,... Read more.
Hymn: O Lord, who now art seated
O Lord, who now art seated Above the heavens on high,The gracious work completed, For which thou cam’st to die,To thee our hearts are lifted, While pilgrims w... Read more.
Hymn: What cheering words are these
What cheering words are these; Their sweetness who can tell?In time and to eternal days, “ ‘Tis with the righteous well.” In every state secure, Kept ... Read more.
Hymn: He bids us come, His voice we know
He bids us come; His voice we know, And boldly on the waters go,To Him our Lord and God; We walk on life’s tempestuous sea,For He who died to set us free, Hat... Read more.
Hymn: Faint not, Christian, though the road
Faint not, Christian, though the road, Leading to thy blest abode,Darksome be, and dangerous too— Christ, thy guide, will bring thee through. Faint not, Chris... Read more.
Hymn: Rejoice ye saints, rejoice and praise
Rejoice ye saints, rejoice and praise The blessings of redeeming grace;Jesus, your everlasting tower, Mocks at the angry tempest’s power. His love’s a refug... Read more.
Hymn: No condemnation, O my soul
No condemnation! O my soul, ’Tis God that speaks the word:Perfect in comeliness art thou, In Christ thy glorious Lord. In heaven His blood for ever speaks, In... Read more.
Hymn: Forever with the Lord
Forever with the Lord! Amen, so let it be:Life from the dead is in that word, ’Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam;Yet nightly pitc... Read more.
Hymn: When along life’s thorny road
When along life’s thorny roadFaints the soul beneath the load,By its cares and sins oppressed,Finds on earth no peace or rest:When the wily tempter’s near,F... Read more.
Hymn: Our times are in Thy hand
Our times are in Thy hand, O God we wish them there;Our life, our friends, our souls we leave Entirely to thy care. Our times are in Thy hand, Whatever they may... Read more.
Hymn: Give to the winds thy fears
Give to the winds thy fears, Hope, and be undismayed;God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. Through waves, and clouds, and storm... Read more.
Hymn: Just as I am, without one plea
Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bidd’st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! Just as I am, and wa... Read more.