In thy name, O Lord, assembling,
We, thy people, now draw near:
Teach us to rejoice with trembling;
Speak, and let thy servant hear,
Hear with meekness,
Hear thy word with godly fear.While our days on earth are lengthened
May we give them, Lord, to thee,
Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened,
May we run, nor weary be;
Till thy glory,
Without clouds, in heaven we see.Then in worship purer, sweeter,
Thomas Kelly
Thee thy people shall adore,
Tasting of enjoyment greater
Far than thought conceived before,
Full enjoyment,
Full, unmixed, and evermore.
This hymn is from J. C. Ryle’s little book Spiritual Songs, published in 1849, when he was rector of Helmingham, Suffolk. The hymns Ryle selected were not found in the most common hymnbooks of the day.
Suggested tune: Eton College (“Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing”).
Download a .pdf file of the hymnal.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20