The problem of suffering
Why do we suffer? Where is God in our pain? What hope do we have amidst suffering? What does God say about pain?... Read more.

God shows himself
God keeps me ever mindful of him. When I rise in the morning, when I open a book, when I turn a corner, God is there—his face in mine.... Read more.

C. S. Lewis and the church
Perhaps no other man had more influence on Christianity in the 20th Century. His lectures, arguments, writings, and life are still today scrutinized and reviewed... Read more.

Is there an Anglican Church?
I sometimes hear folks refer to “the Anglican Church”. Is there such a thing? No. There is no Anglican Church. There is no Baptist Church, Presbyterian... Read more.

Dear Readers of Confessing Anglicans
Over the past several months, our original content has decreased and our curated content has become a bit overwhelming. Going forward, we will focus primarily on... Read more.

New titles from IVP
IVP is releasing several new titles this spring that may be of interest to readers of Confessing Anglicans.... Read more.

Interview with the editors of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, International Edition
The 1662 Book of Common Prayer, International Edition is set for release in January 2021, published by IVP. This lightly-updated text of the classic prayer book... Read more.

Editions of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Join me for a look at the currently-available editions of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. I share about the features of each edition. If you need a copy of the prayer... Read more.

Hymn: The hour of my departure’s come
The hour of my departure’s come,I hear the voice that calls me home;At last, O Lord, let trouble cease,And let thy servant die in peace. Not in mine innocence... Read more.

Hymn: How blest is our sister, bereft
How blest is our sister, bereftOf all that could burden her mind!How easy the soul that has leftThis wearisome body behind;Of evil incapable, thouWhose relics with... Read more.

Hymn: O Holy Saviour, Friend unseen
O Holy Saviour! Friend unseen,Since on thine arm thou bid’st us lean,Help us, throughout life’s changing scene,By faith to cling to Thee! Bless’d with this... Read more.

Hymn: Rejoice for a brother deceased
Rejoice for a brother deceased;Our loss is his infinite gain;A soul out of prison released,And freed from its bodily chain;With songs let us follow his flight,And... Read more.

Hymn: The church has waited long
The church has waited long, Her absent Lord to see;And still in loneliness she waits, A friendless stranger she.Age after age has gone, Sun after sun has set;And... Read more.

Hymn: O haste away, my brethren dear
O haste away, my brethren dear, And come to Canaan’s shore,We’ll meet and sing forever there, When all our toils are o’er. How sweet to hear the hallowed theme... Read more.

Hymn: When we cannot see our way
When we cannot see our way,Let us trust, and still obey;He who bids us forward go,Cannot fail the way to show. Though the sea be deep and wide,Though a passage seem... Read more.

Comfort from the Fortress
Reflections on Psalm 46 in a time of plague and uncertainty.... Read more.