Alister McGrath on science and religion
In this brief video, Dr. Alister McGrath discusses the relationship between science and religion.... Read more.

Remembering the evangelist Michael Green
A year after Michael Green’s death, we remember his work for the gospel in this reflection from Matthew Fearon. An unconventional approach to evangelism was... Read more.

J. C. Ryle on the unbiblical Roman idea of the Real Presence
Robert Strivens, principal of London Seminary, explains J. C. Ryle’s opposition to the Roman concept of the Real Presence. The doctrine of the real presence... Read more.

Preaching the Scriptures
Let not every wanton wit be permitted to bring what fancies he list into the pulpit, and to disturb things that have been well ordered. James Ussher, “A sermon... Read more.

The Reformed message of the Book of Common Prayer
In this article from White Horse Inn, Lee Gatiss shares about the importance of the Book of Common Prayer in understanding the Reformation in England. … We... Read more.

The disability of sin
The truth … is that in many respects, and certainly in spiritual matters, we are all weak and inadequate, and we need to face it. Sin, which disrupts all relationships,... Read more.

Staying fresh in the ministry
Gerald Bray addresses important principles of the call to ministry, with the aim of helping new ministers avoid burnout.... Read more.

Gerald Bray on women in the episcopacy
In 2005, Dr. Gerald Bray addressed the matter of women bishops in the Church of England. Professor Gerald Bray outlines the case for and against allowing women into... Read more.

Preaching Christ
To speak of an ordinance, a sacrament, any means of grace, even the Holy Scriptures of truth, as if they were in any sense the power unto salvation, or as if they... Read more.