Reading Psalm 137 in church
The editors who assembled the Psalter were astute, and one way this can be seen is in the juxtapositions and trajectories implicit in the placement of the imprecatory psalms. Consider, for example, Psalm 137, which is appointed to be said…
Jesus prayed for unity
Does Jesus expect unity at any cost? Stott takes a step back and asks, “Who is the unity between?”
What C. S. Lewis gets right and wrong in “The Weight of Glory”
My wife and I were talking about what things in our childhood prepared us to embrace our Christian faith as adults. We both agreed that C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia played a big role in “baptizing our imaginations.” I…
(A)rian (I)ntelligence
In a recent open letter, The Future of Life Institute, notes: “AI labs [are] locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one – not even their creators – can understand, predict,…
Easter — now what?
Easter is the culmination, not just of Holy Week, but really of all the seasons since Advent. Now Easter has finally arrived. But what’s next?
RSVP to Noah
It is thus that our science, our philosophy, and our theology compel us to decline our invitation to come into the ark.
Talking to ourselves about “Simeon Says”
“Simeon Says” is a collection of audio sermons from Charles Simeon. Simeon was the godfather of modern exegetical preaching.
If Anglicanism is everything, it’s nothing
When I say “Anglican,” what do you hear? Do you hear via media? Do you hear Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical, or Anglo-Catholic? The temptation throughout Anglican history has been to become confused about our identity. Various groups have reduced Anglicanism to…
Divine Love, Tender Love
In the historic Western eucharistic lectionary, the epistles and gospels of the first half of Lent emphasize our struggle against the world, the flesh, and the devil, but there is a turn in the Fourth Sunday in Lent. From here…
McIlvaine on revivals
The episcopal and pastoral wisdom of Bishop Charles McIlvaine can help us consider how we should respond to present awakenings that seem to be occuring around the world.