What C. S. Lewis gets right and wrong in “The Weight of Glory”
My wife and I were talking about what things in our childhood prepared us to embrace our Christian faith as adults. We both agreed that C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles... Read more.

(A)rian (I)ntelligence
In a recent open letter, The Future of Life Institute, notes: “AI labs locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds... Read more.

RSVP to Noah
It is thus that our science, our philosophy, and our theology compel us to decline our invitation to come into the ark.... Read more.

Lent begins—with a threat
The Book of Common Prayer traditionally began Lent with a service called “A Commination” (which means “a threatening”). You can read the... Read more.

Contending for the parish list
Would you believe it if I told you that more than a few have showed up in church these past few Sundays since I began praying over them?... Read more.

Encouraging the 1662 BCP IE in your church
Pastors, consider providing some encouragement for the use of The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition within your parish.... Read more.

Is grace really that common?
What could be so bad about common grace? Didn’t God love sinners enough to send His Son to die for them?... Read more.

The problem of images in Anglican worship
We do not need to see a representation of Jesus with our eyes to see Jesus. Indeed, we are told, “A little while, and ye shall not see me”(John 16:16). We need... Read more.