Jonathan Groves


  • Jonathan is pastoral assistant at Church of the Good Shepherd, Binghamton, New York, and Deacon in the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word. He is a seminarian with passions for study in biblical languages, New Testament textual criticism, and the Reformed principles of Anglicanism.

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white ceramic vase on brown wooden table

Empty vessels

What would you say is the defining characteristic of a Christian? Faith? Love? Kindness?  Zeal for the gospel? A Christian certainly should cultivate these... Read more.

What is humility?

To be nothing in order that God may be everything. That is Murray's definition of humility. And I dare say it was John the Baptist's definition as well. ... Read more.

Review: “Feed My Sheep”

What is a pastor? Is he a vision-casting leader? A theology teacher? A CEO of a religious organization? What does a pastor even do? Is he a guy who just preache... Read more.

Highlight: Church Society

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Lee Gatiss, the director of Church Society. Here are highlights of our conversation. Let’s start with... Read more.
Gospel of John

What is evangelicalism?

J.C. Ryle opens his book Knots Untied with an essay on evangelicalism. He writes, “It may be laid down as a rule, with tolerable confidence, that the absence ... Read more.
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