Jonah: Day 19

As my life was fading away, I remembered Yahweh. My prayer came to You, to Your holy temple.

Jonah 2:7 (HCSB)

The death of a faithful saint is a thing to behold. I have been by the bedside of saints: I have looked on, as those who are confident in the power of Jesus to save them, face their death. Peace, serenity, hope, even joy were the hallmarks. I have been by the bedside of sinners: I have looked on, as those who dismiss the power of Jesus to save them, face their death. Pain, struggle, anxiety, fear were the hallmarks. As their lives faded away, they had nothing to hold on to, only things to let go of.

When a saint—that is any true Christian—dies, he has everything to hold onto, everything to look forward to, and this makes it easier to let go of what he has. Surely, he knows it will be difficult for those he leaves, and the pain of the parting for us all is very real. But he knows that he belong to Jesus; he will but close his eyes one last time and be beside Christ in paradise. At the last day, when he is resurrected into his new and glorious body, he will face the White Throne of Judgement and hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful slave… Share your master’s joy!” (Matthew 25:23). They will have no more pain, no more sorrow, no more tears. Blessed hope, joy and peace, for evermore.

Let us resolve to hold fast to Christ through thick and thin, in life and in death. Let us remember Yahweh, as our life begins to fade. Let us fight the good fight all the way to the finish line. Let us joyfully receive the crown of life from the hands of our loving Saviour. Let us make sure that even our deaths are a testimony to how wonderful Jesus is!


  • Adam Young is Associate Minister at All Saints' Church in North Ferriby, England, and Padre to the Yorkshire North & West Army Cadet Force.He has a Master in Applied Theology from Oxford University. In his spare time, he enjoys weightlifting, trail running, painting miniatures, and reading theology.

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